How big is baby: Giant. The Bump changed up their fruit system so I get a new one every week now and this week, B is a butternut squash. I wish she had the temperament of a butternut squash...instead I feel like I'm gestating an angry raccoon.
Total weight gain: I don't want to know.
Sleep: I didn't think it could possibly get any worse. And then it did.
Maternity Clothes: Yep.
Food cravings : Chocolate milk.
Food aversions: Nothing.
Challenges: Moving. Sitting. Smiling.
Movement: *cries*
Boy or Girl?: Hopefully still a girl.
What I’m looking forward to: Guess.
What I miss: Ugh.
Next appt: Next Wednesday. GBS test! Wheeee!
Obligatory belly pic complete with hip new mom hair!:
Now about my hair. M and I paid a visit to M's sister (my sister-in-law and Betty's aunt) J, who just so happens to also be my very awesome hair stylist. I have been feeling more than a little down on myself lately, what with all the largeness that is going on over here. I was hoping that maybe a little makeover would help with my self esteem.
So J cut some bangs again (she did them for me once before and I loved them) and trimmed a little off the bottom as well...this pregnancy has my hair growing like a weed. Then we started making plans for whatever fabulous dye-job we are going to try after B arrives. It really helped! While I still feel like a big pile of hot garbage for 90% of the day, I look at least a little more like a hot mom now. :)
She probably won't read this, but she really is a lifesaver. Betty is lucky to have such a cool aunt!